Friday, August 8, 2008

to forget someone we love isn't as easy as ABC...

Now i know how hard it is to forget someone we truly love. It's not easy indeed. It requires a lot of courage and determination, while your heart always resisting with emotions. I always believe once; "Let your heart be your guidance" or "Follow your heart and you will never lost", thus i always sincere with myself and follow my heart. But now, in this situation, i don't think it is relevant. When it comes to love and heartbreak, reality has to come first. No matter how hard it matter how painful it matter how many tears you cried..the fact of 'we cannot force someone to love us back' cannot be denied. Why? Because love never prejudice. Because love is pure.

Indeed loving someone isn't a crime, but making a fool of yourself as if worlds is ending..never be forgiven. There are a lot of things to be achieve..lots of memories may created...because we only live once in this life and time never can be revert back.

I always say to myself to be stronger each day..educate my mind with positive thinking..exploring another angle..another horizon of my mind. Someone said to me twice that 'life is a not full of roses...'.. well, i agree with him though. it is true that life is a journey. the matters here is not the definition of life itself, but how we want our life would be. thus, making decision is important. Whereas, life is indeed not full of roses, even roses have torns! What i'm trying to say is, don't ever think one sided. it's not fair. Yet it doesn't mean, what he's saying isn't true. It's just, the statements won't stop as easy like that and will be never ending argument.

What i believe is in this world, everything and everyone isn't perfect. But it's never a crime to be at least perfect or to be better. Accepting this, means you will be a better person.

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