Saturday, July 12, 2008

I neeed HELP!!!!

Please..i really need help...i feel sooo alone...why? coz i really want to watch movie..but no, none of my friends has the time..well, can't blame them either..they have their rights. And my groupwise server hairwired with the presentation time is just next week...why i feel my life getting out of by one...slip through..from my hand...i don't want this..being rejected...painfully...then firmly raise up...then..turbulence again...wooohooo...what a life right now..

right now i have been thinking..reflecting myself...why am i not satisfied with all this? perhaps i haven't find my passion and i'm straying away from my dreams.whatever it is..i will never give up getting through this..i will find my own strength although it's just the smallest strength left in me. i will find any reason for not give up...yosh..akiramiru janaiii ooh..

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